Anger at BBC Real Story

By MCN Staff
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The message boards have been busy as registered users express their frustration with the portrayal of motorcyclists on the BBC programme ” Real Story ” .

The show was broadcast on Monday November 17, and quoted a biker, named only as ‘Sammy’, who claimed to have reached speeds of 208mph on public roads. It also included footage of motorcycle magazine road testers pulling wheelies and other stunts.

The report was compiled by reporter Morland Sanders, who also produced a similar report for the BBC’s own ‘Inside Out’ programme in September 2002.

The Inside Out episode also featured a Yorkshire motorcyclist who claims to have reached 208mph on the Skipton bypass, and the ‘200 Mile an Hour Club’. Inside out is a regional show, with the West Midlands edition following Steve Berry ‘uncovering evidence of motorcyclists travelling at speeds of up to 230mph on public roads. ”

Despite all this, Real Story spoke to road traffic officer Jason Lumbard, who told them the highest speeder recorded was 144.7 mph.

You can watch the show using RealPlayer by following the link on the right. Send your thoughts and comments to with ” Real Story ” in the subject line or follow the link to the News message board on the right.

Read the response to the original Inside Out programme by following the appropriate link.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff