UK Roads on the mend

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A new report published by the Department for Transport claims that British Roads are the best they have been for 20 years.

The National Road Maintenance Condition survey shows that Motorways and non-built up A and B roads have slowly been improving over the last 20 years, but in the last year there has been a massive increase in quality.

According to the survey the roads we all like to ride are now better than they were in 1984, but the quality of the tarmac in towns still leaves a lot to be desired.

The survey also tested the grip of roads in the wet and although the figure is improving an amazing 17 percent of main roads were slippery enough to warrant further investigations. Trunk roads were even worse with 21 percent needing attention but motorways came out top after only 0.3 percent proved to be to slippery.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff