Your view: BMF in crisis

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According to Chairman Anna Zee the BMF is “in crisis” and needs to take a look at itself if it is to survive.

The March 15 issue of MCN features the full story of:

Topless dancers performing simulated sex on BMF members

£170,000 written-off

“cloak and dagger” politics

Suspensions, allegations and disciplinary hearings

Members have been left confused and in the dark. Even ex-Chairman Leon Mannings confessed there is a “glee of secrecy” and that the “ethos is members don’t need to know what’s going on”.

NOW HAVE YOUR SAY (see ‘related topic’ link, right

Do you think the BMF should spend more time fighting for bikers’ rights and less time bickering and in-fighting?

Do you see a future for the BMF?

If you are a member, will you be renewing your membership next year?

CLICK HERE (external link) for a BMF statement posted since MCN’s story was published.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff