Speed camera D-Day

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Speed cameras are on trail at the highest court in Europe in a monumental case that could see them banished from our roads forever.

The UK Government is being hauled into the European Court of Human Rights to defend its speed camera policy in the case of O’Halloran and Francis vs UK Government, as Idris Francis, 67, is defending himself after receiving a £1000 fine and three penalty points after being flashed by a speed camera as he drove at 47mph in a 30mph zone.

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Francis believes that by filling out a Notice of Intended Prosecution, the individual is losing the right to remain silent, a legal principle that has stood for centuries and is protected by Article Six of the Convention of Human Rights.

Latest update: September 27, 2007

Idris Francis: “It all went better than I expected. The Government’s case was weaker than ours and their barrister not as good, in fact I felt he was clutching at straws.
They argued that if take the power away from speed cameras then road casualties will increase. They said that speed cameras are in the public interest.
However, our lawyer said that it’s like torturing a terrorist to reveal the location of a bomb – whatever, way you look at it, it’s still not right.
We’re reasonably optimistic of victory – it could be weeks, months or even a year before we hear the result of the case.”

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff