Firm bans thousands of staff from riding bikes

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Thousands of employees of a multinational company have been banned from riding motorcycles under threat of disciplinary action, it emerged today.

Johnson Controls Ltd has banned motorcycles as a form of transport during office hours for employees working across Europe. A spokeswoman said: “Motorcycles must not be used by employees on company business.”

She added: “The policy covers just under 5000 Johnson Controls UK-based employees either working in the UK or Europe, in the building efficiency business.”

A spokeswoman declined to directly answer the question of whether offenders would be disciplined but said: “Any employee who goes against any of our company policies runs the risk of disciplinary action.” She said employees were free to ride bikes in their own time, including to and from work.

The spokeswoman claimed the policy was “for the protection of our people”. She said: “It’s about health and safety.”

Johnson Controls employs 136,000 people worldwide.

The news followed a tip-off from an employee of the firm, who wished to remain anonymous. He said: “It’s the thin end of the wedge. If all the blue chip companies start to do this then motorcycling is no longer an alternative form of transport.”

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