Dear Heather

By tracktime1000

My story isn’t very special, but my girlfriend is and I’d like her to read this. All my life I’ve never owned a brand new vehicle until 5 weeks ago when I purchased a Kawasaki GTR1400 in metallic black. To me it’s the best bike on the planet and have already done nearly 4000 miles on it but today we were informed that we have to find £15,000 or lose the house because of her ex. For me it’s a not a hard choice so will be selling my beautiful truck and my even lovelier bike. I know she’s worth it and have no regrets because she means everything to me and nursed me through a very bad illness last year. So I hope this small gesture of mine lets her know how much she means to me. Heather, as the song says: You to me are everything. You know the rest. From Marty the Bear.


Reader's article

By tracktime1000