Police admit they may have “standardised” speed camera van

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Police have accepted the possibility they tried to “standardise” this speed camera van after first denying any attempt to disguise it.

Derbyshire Police had repeatedly claimed the vehicle had only been painted in plain colours but our before-and-after pictures reveal other alterations which help hide its identity.

They show an extra rear window added, along with a GB sticker and white smudges on the bumper.

Sgt Andy Carmichael from the force’s road policing unit admitted: “It’s either been added for use of the camera kit which I can’t comment on because I don’t operate that that camera kit or it’s been added to standardise it, to stop it looking like a police vehicle.”

When MCN first learned of a speed camera disguised as a “workman’s van” from a police insider, the force flatly denied its existence, claiming: “Our pain vehicles our simply that. They’re not made up to look like anything else.”

When first presented with pictures of the van, Carmichael claimed it had been “merely painted a different colour”.

In a new statement a spokesman said the force was “standing by” its previous claims. He acknowledged an extra window had been fitted but would explain why.

To see the latest sneaky tactics used by the Police, get the latest MCN, out Wednesday April 30.