Call to ban lorries overtaking on M11

By MCN News
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South Cambridgeshire MP Andrew Lansley is looking to get lorries banned from overtaking on the M11 near Stansted.
The section suggested is between junctions eight and nine by the busy international airport. Lansley says it would help assist tailbacks and congestion, and he has written to transport minister Jim Fitzpatrick to ask for this to be implemented.
If it were to go ahead the move would mirror the no overtaking area on the A14 in Northamptonshire which has seen HGVs banned from overtaking after a successful trial by the Highways Agency.
Lansley said: “HGV traffic is increasing rapidly, and tailbacks are frequently caused by HGVs using the outside lane. Banning lorries from overtaking on this busy section of the M11 would help to ease congestion, shorten journey times, particularly to Stansted airport, and avoid potentially fatal accidents.

“This is a long motorway stretch with no entries or exits. This makes it very suitable for an HGV overtaking ban.”

MCN News

By MCN News