Let the Rabbit see the Dog!

By Lincs Biker

These are probably the best roads in the country and I happen to be one of the statistic’s, when in 2007 when a car pulled across me on these roads and I was only doing 30mph.

I appreciate the concern here but hidden cameras!

Is this legal?

Only a while ago they had to mark Gatso’s yellow so we could see them, surely visual ones are more of a deterent? Come on, let the Rabbit see the Dog!

It reads like they are doing us a favour! If the police are really that bothered why haven’t they been pulling us over to talk about it instead of a ticket in the post(where is the deterent? how is the saftey point put over in a ticket?).

I am talking generally here not just bike related. These are mainly country roads (used by bikers)and probably the lightest on traffic levels, how about promoting rider eductaion ie: Bike Safe as an option to points on our licences (assuming it’s not a revenue collector of course).

Can we use the article that refers to a bit over the limit is not the main issue more so double the limit in court? I think not.

Sorry I am in favour of safety but I can not agree with the hidden element – they are out of order!

Lincs Biker

Reader's article

By Lincs Biker