Duke video needs your help

By MCN Staff
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Plans are under way to create a definitive DVD record of the late, great Joey Dunlop’s Isle of Man TT victories.

Manx firm Duke has searched through its extensive archives of TT footage to compile the ultimate celebration of Joey’s amazing 26 TT wins.

Managing Director Peter Duke said action-packed film featuring 24 wins has been found, spanning 1980 to 2000, and is now asking for the help of fans to make the project complete.

Mr Duke said: “We have access to the world’s biggest archive of road racing footage, and we have wonderful film of Joey claiming victory on 24 occasions.

“The race action we have is dramatic, evocative and often highly emotionally-charged.

“Brought together, this footage is a fitting tribute to an incredible man. However, we would like to make the final DVD as comprehensive as possible, and that’s why we are asking for help from the fans.

“We still need to track down footage of Joey’s very first TT win in the 1977 Jubilee TT race, when he rode a Yamaha to victory ahead of George Fogarty. We also need film of the 1984 Formula One race, which Joey won on a Honda from Roger Marshall and Tony Rutter.

“Sadly, our extensive archive and the archives of our many producer contacts don’t feature these races.

“We know that, for many years, dedicated fans have filmed the on-track action from the hedges for their own enjoyment and we are hoping someone out there was doing that in 1977 and 1984.

“If you have any footage from either the ‘77 Jubilee TT or the ‘84 Formula 1, we need to hear from you.

“We can convert any format from film or tape and would, of course, return any footage to the owner quickly.

“If no footage from these races exists, then this will still be the most comprehensive visual record of Joey’s TT triumphs.

“However, if it is possible to track down film of the missing races we would be over the moon.”

For more information about the DVD Joey Dunlop – The TT Wins, please visit www.DukeVideo.com

If you think you can help, please contact Simon Biggerstaff by email: sbiggerstaff@dukevideo.com.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff