How to pass the new bike test

By paula4u
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1st of all I am well chuffed that I passed this morning using the Swansea Test Centre. I shall book part 2 but taking my time over it.

I had 3 days intensive course to pass the old test a week before it switched to new modules. Sadly I failed through my own stupidity. However I enjoyed the experience and was resigned to do new moduled tests. With all the hype and how difficult it would be on a 125cc scooter, I have to admit that once my examiner told me I had passed I sat there with tears in my eyes as Iwas that stressed.

OK how did I pass? Firstly by finding a place to practice. All the measurements are available and the chart of route to do from DSA. I then searched for a place and behold found a place where some one else had already painted on the correct coloured dots to practice on. So if you cant find a place, make your own up if you use water soluble paint I am sure you will find a place large enough to practice in. (buy a measuring tape be accurate dont guess at it).

Some test centres also have practicing sessions. The U turn, the Slalom the moving bike etc again you can practice this in small areas. The swerve test and emergency stop now for this I needed confidence in the bike and myself. So find a place or mark up an area with the correct measurements and go and practice this. I found that going throught the bend I did not need to accellerate just do a steady 20mph when you ust come out of it, straighten up your bike and point your bike to the measurement speed cones and hard accellerate!

I tested this to the point of if my bike was just going 15mph (in case it rained cats n dogs) exiting the bend I would be just on 31 miles so anything above I would be fine. Once you are through the measuring speedometer, you can let go of your speed and concentrate on either swerving (very small swerve more of a flick really) or the emergency stop. Make sure you practice this for either the left or the right test as the swerve is opposite.

Finally I read all the horror stories and the fears of these skilled instructors obviously they would not advice for free. So this is how I did it on a Honda S-Wing 125cc. I heard lots of comments how hard it would be on a 125cc scooter. Well it is not. If you are riding a decent bike it will be more than capable.

Use your common sense all the test requires is speed in the right place, after that control your bike let the speed go and manoevre it. Good Luck and thank you for reading this.


Reader's article

By paula4u