F1 veterans Brundle and Warwick ride Silverstone

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Ex-Formula 1 drivers Martin Brundle, 51, and Derek Warwick, 55, took to two wheels at Ron Haslam’s race school on Tuesday. 

The pair, both riding Honda CBR600RR’s, attended the course to improve their skills on a bike and learn about the finer points of riding. Though they had both raced four wheeled vehicles at the highest level of motorsport, neither had ridden a motorcycle on a track before.

Brundle said: “It was a tremendous day. I expected to leave Silverstone with ten times more confidence and riding twice as fast. I actually with a lot more respect for how bikes can bite you if you don’t respect them.”

Warwick said: “Without Ron in front we’d definitely have crashed. I always wanted to feel the back hopping under hard braking – wait until I tell my mates!”

Dan Aspel

By Dan Aspel