Petition challenges road tax hike

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A petition challenging plans to raise motorcycle road tax has gained over 2,000 signatures within hours of appearing on Number 10’s website.

Bike tax is set to rise by between 4% and 6% under Government proposals.

The petition says: “We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to stop the increases in motorcycle tax proposed for 2010.

“Given that the motorcycle industry is facing some of its darkest days with sales slumping by around 25-30%, it makes no sense for any government to increase taxes on motorcycle ownership…

“We petition the Government to support the motorcycle industry as it has the car industry and freeze or lower Vehicle Excise Duty.”

The British Motorcycling Federation’s Chris Hodder, who submitted the petition to Number 10’s website, said: “While in monetary terms the increases of between £2 and £4 are admittedly quite small, it’s not about the numbers, it’s about the principle of increasing owner taxation at a time of economic hardship.”

Steve Farrell

By Steve Farrell