No national police course?

Just read the story about police offering additional safety training – fantastic.

I have noticed though that it seems to be Southern forces that are regularly in your paper offering courses etc. This is good, don’t get me wrong. Living in the North I never hear of Manchester Police offering this kind of course, they just seem hell bent on speed enforcement fines.

Seeing as how law enforcement throughout the country is so concerned about all that ride a motorcycle then why is there not a national free course available?

Is it that other forces (Manchester especially) by conducting a similar course for riders feel that this goes against the grain?

I mean riders are considered by some to be speed freaks and noisy law breakers and maybe that if certain forces provide additional training they may find it difficult in the future to criticise riders as much, or perhaps they fear the revenue from speed traps may suffer greatly.

We all know that some riders ride fast and are a good source of steady income. But this surely is enough reason alone to warrant free courses by all forces for all riders -especially those just starting out on two wheels.

colin mcclure

Reader's article

By colin mcclure