Courts “prejudiced” against bikers

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A leading motorcycle group is demanding a Government investigation into “prejudice” of courts after a drink-driver got three years’ jail for killing a biker. 

The Motor Cycle Action Group (MAG) says the sentence is too lenient and at odds with a string of high-profile cases in which riders have been jailed despite injuring no one.

The group is calling for the Government to investigate court records to see whether there is an imbalance between sentences handed to motorcyclists and car drivers. 

Driver Richard Borrett, 65, had drunk a bottle of beer and three glasses of wine at a golf club lunch before he pulled out of a country lane into the path of Jason Mickelburgh, killing the 37-year-old motorcyclist instantly.

Borrett admitted causing death by careless driving while unfit through drink and was handed a three-year driving ban on top of the jail sentence. The maximum jail term for the offence is 14 years, while three is at the lower limit of the scale.

MAG President Ian Mutch said: “The case contrasts starkly with a growing catalogue of cases where riders have received harsh sentences for offences that most people would consider far less serious.”

The group’s General Secretary, Nich Brown, added:  “We have long suspected that such prejudice exists. The only practical way of establishing if our concerns are justified is to have a thorough investigation of the facts conducted by a Government agency.”

Borrett made no attempt to attend to Mickelburgh following the crash in April last year and told a witness at the scene, in Betchworth, Surrey: “I don’t mind the fact that he’s dead. I don’t know him.”

The retired company director from Betchworth initially pleaded not guilty to causing death by careless driving while unfit through drink. He was sentenced at Guildford Crown Court in March after switching pleas and admitting the charge.

Read more, including the list of motorcyclists jailed despite injuring no-one, in MCN, on sale now.

Steve Farrell

By Steve Farrell