Meet Ethel, the Evil Octane

By Liam Marsden
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Rick Fairless, owner of Victory dealer Strokers Dallas and long time customiser has unveiled his unique custom Victory Octane as part of Operation Octane custom competition.

Historically known for colourful builds, Ethel is instead coloured with grey and brown and is unlike anything Rick’s built before.


“I wanted to make Ethel a tough, street fighting broad! I love the lines of the Octane, so I wanted to make one mean and nasty,” he explains. “My wife and I own three Old English sheepdogs. The youngest one is six months old and she is extremely cute and lovable, but she is wild and crazy, like a demon dog. Her name is Ethel and that’s why I named this bike ‘Ethel, the Evil Octane.”

 Rick used his own RF Custom Parts catalgue to transform the bike, all of which are available in his online shop.

Ethel features a girder front end with 180mm front tyre, and a striking 2-into-4-into-1 exhaust system down the right hand side of the bike.

“Every bike I build is built to be ridden,” Rick says. “Ethel runs great. She feels, looks and runs like a “Mean, pissed off woman” with a bad attitude, compared to a stock Octane which is like a sweet gal next door.”

“My objective was to build an Octane that was different from what any other builders have done. I am very happy and proud with the outcome of Ethel.”


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Liam Marsden

By Liam Marsden

Former MCN Web Producer