Hairy Bikers star Dave Myers has died

Dave Myers, star of the motorcycle-riding cooking show duo the Hairy Bikers, has died following a fight with cancer, aged just 66.

Myers passed away on the evening of Wednesday, February 28, 2024, surrounded by his family and co-star Si King – who announced the news to fans earlier today via a statement on the Hairy Bikers’ website.

“Most of you will know Dave has been fighting cancer for the past couple of years,” it reads. “Last night, on 28th February 2024, with Lili, Dave’s wife, his family, close friend David and myself by his side, he passed away peacefully at home.

Dave Myers (left) alongside Hairy Bikers co star Si King

“All who knew Dave are devastated at his passing. His beloved wife brought him such happiness as did her children, Iza and Sergiu who Dave loved like his own.

“Personally, I am not sure I can put into words on how I feel at the moment. My best friend is on a journey that for now, I can’t follow,” it continued. “I will miss him every day and the bond and friendship we shared over half a lifetime. I wish you god’s speed brother; you are and will remain a beacon in this world. See you on the other side. Love ya.”

The motorcycle riding duo first appeared on UK television screens back in January 2006, with The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook – a series that saw the pair cross the desert in Namibia, travel to the Isle of Man and more, all in the name of good food.

They have since appeared in a number of programs, with the latest episode of the The Hairy Bikers’ Go West airing on BBC2 on Tuesday, February 27.

Alongside great food in their shows, the pair have ridden motorcycles of all sizes and shapes on roads across the globe, with the latest episode featuring a pair of BSA Gold Stars. Dave Myers will be missed by his many thousands of fans and all at MCN’s thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.