Two up around the world | Biking couple bag Guinness World Record for globe-busting adventure

Motorcycle adventurers Lavi Scholl and Ollie Gamblin (better known online as Lavi & Ollie) have set a new Guinness world record, becoming the youngest pair to circumnavigate the world on a motorcycle, two-up aged just 33 and 35 years old respectively. 

The couple rode a Suzuki DL1050XT, with Ollie taking the reins and Lavi riding pillion. They visited 39 countries on five continents, covering 46,705 miles in 589 days and upon returning, had an average age of 33 years and 247 days, which was enough to secure recognition from Guinness. 

Gamblin said: “The idea for a Guinness World Record came after a friend of ours attempted to become the Youngest Male to Circumnavigate the Globe by Motorcycle, an already established record. We sent an email asking if we could create a team record under the same criteria. They accepted it under the title Youngest Pair to Circumnavigate the Globe by Motorcycle (Riding Pillion). 

Lavi and Ollie stood on a remote beach alongside their DL1050XT

“We had the freedom to plan our own route, as long as Guinness’ circumnavigation boxes were ticked. So the route was mostly planned using non-carnet countries and countries with easier visas. 

“But, honestly, we didn’t really think we would make it all the way around the world when we started. The aim was just to get as far as possible but we always imagined there would be something to stop us, a visa or shipping issue, something like that. Our mindset was just, as long as we can continue we will, and that just so happened to be all the way until the end.” 

Their adventure began from the Ace Cafe in London, where they set off southbound aboard their Suzuki. From the UK, the two ticked off France and Spain, before hoping on the short ferry ride to Morocco. 

Lavi and Ollie stood atop a twisting mountain rode

What followed was a two-month exploration of Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal. Then, having navigated the expanse of the Sahara and ticked off Africa’s upper-western corner, the couple arrived in Dakar, Senegal where they would ship their bike across the Atlantic to South America.  

Upon arrival to the third continent of their trip, they were subjected to an eight-week wait in Brazil’s capital, Rio de Janeiro, whilst their V-Strom made the transatlantic crossing. Once reunited, they continued southbound, making their way down to the world’s southernmost city, Ushuaia, in Argentina. Now just 680 miles from the Antarctic peninsula, the two turned their wheels back north and ventured through Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. 

Confronted by the impassable Darien Gap, air-freighting the bike was the opted for solution, and upon hitting North America they were able to ride all the way up to Canada, but not before getting hitched in Las Vegas en route. 

Lavi and Ollie freshly web in Las Vegas sat aboard their Suzuki

From here, another airplane was required to take the pair to Seoul, South Korea, followed by a boat ride to the far-eastern Siberian city of Vladivostok.  

With sights now set west, the remainder of their round the world epic took Lavi and Ollie through the vast emptiness of Mongolia, across the Kazakh Steppe and eventually to the shores of the Caspian Sea.  

From there, it there was just a matter of navigating Azerbaijan, Georgia and Türkiye, before crossing the Bosphorus back into Europe. Nine countries later and the newlyweds rolled into their final unique nation of the whole adventure, Belgium, before returning to the UK via France, 20 months following departure and with passports thoroughly filled. 

The couple camping with a small fire alongside their Suzuki

Now back in the UK the duo have treated themselves to a pair of Suzuki RV125 VanVans, although they have yet to announce plans for any further adventures just yet.