Video: Trails of the unexpected Part III


Time for the off. Can our three vintage trail bikes make it to Scarborough unscathed? And which will win?

The mission was to buy and prepare three late 70s/early 80s trailies and ride them from Morecambe to Scarborough to find out which is the best within a budget of £1000 and we rejoin our team as the day of reckoning has come (see part one here and part two here).

The moment, or hopefully longer, when our three staffers, Marc Potter, Tony Carter and Phil West, put their three vintage trail bikes, a 1982 Yamaha DT175MX, 1981 Honda XL500S and 1982 Suzuki TS250ER, on a coast-to-coast challenge from Morecambe to Scarborough, to find out which would survive, which was best and what sort of bike and experience you could expect if you mud-plug into the classic trail bike scene.

Checkout the video to see how they got on…