He’s come a long way

By MCN Staff
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The Boxer factory was started by a man with a dream. The man is Thierry Henriette, and the dream was to give the public the kind of bikes he liked to build for himself.

The 45-year-old had been well-known in France as a specials builder for many years, but he wanted more. He says: ” All the time I was in business as a dealer I dreamed of becoming a manufacturer. Only I didn’t want to do this with anything except a French engine, to create a bike 100 per cent made in France. ”

Luckily for Henriette, his friend Jacques Gardette set up Voxan, building his own 72° V-twin engines in France, and agreed a deal to supply the engines to Henriette. Boxer was born.

Over the years, Boxer has brought us a regular supply of specials from the GSX-R750-based Vecteur of 1984, through the similar Sensor and the deeply finned Lamborghini concept machine of 1986, to the Triumph-engined Gladiator of 1993. The Scrambler, which was developed in 1986, was the first ” production ” machine, though it was

essentially still a Voxan.

So far, orders for the VB1 have only been accepted from within France, with around 200 buyers signing up. Henriette’s 10-man workforce has so far only filled 10 of those orders, with production currently running at a single bike a day. He is aiming to hit the dizzy heights of almost three a day by the end of the year.

Not being French shouldn’t rule you out if you want a VB1. The firm reckons the best way to get one is to contact it at: www.boxer-design.com and nominate a dealership for it to ship your bike to. It will then contact the dealer, make it financially attractive for them to take the order, and you’ll pick up your Boxer.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff