UK firm buys Indian

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Indian Motorcycles was given another chance to bounce back from bankruptcy after it was bought last week by a UK based investment firm.

The brand was revived in 1998 but struggled to meet its budgets or re-establish the brand and slipped back in to liquidation in September last year.

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Stellican, the investment firm behind the deal, specialise in the revival of ‘heritage’ brands and hope that their experience with reviving tired classic companies will help them bring back the Harley rival.

The firm has long-term plans for Indian and wants to take its time rebuilding the brand from the bottom up, but it is well aware that production needs to be restarted as soon as possible.

Stellican has already had success with the Luxury speedboat company Chris-Craft as well as a Yachting company and an Italian football team.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff