Honda Blackbird-riding R5K member braves wind and rain for isolated camping adventure

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A determined R5K rider braved cold and blustery conditions to complete her first solo camping trip on two wheels before the latest lockdown kicked in.

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Sera Jay, from Cambridgeshire, spent a night in the wilderness with her trusty Honda Blackbird. After staying at the Norfolk Brickyard campsite, Peterstone, she has posted a video to her YouTube channel in the hope of inspiring more riders to get out and try something new… after the latest Covid-19 restrictions end, obviously.

“I just thought it would be an interesting thing to do and I hope it encourages more people to go out and do stuff,” the project manager said. “I chose to go there because it was like wild camping – so it was very basic, with very secluded spots and I could light a fire and chill out.

Chilling by the campfire

“I would love to see more people riding,” she continued. “I’d been watching others doing it and I decided I needed to get out of the house.”

Going by the username ‘MotoSera’ online, the 36-year-old enjoyed the riding side of it just as much as spending a night under the stars.

“It was a lovely ride across some brilliant Norfolk country roads,” Sera added. “I just wanted to get away from everything for a while and it seemed like the most remote feeling place that I could get to within a few hours.”

Camping by motorbike

Sera now plans to pitch her tent further afield. “I’ll be planning some slightly longer solo trips next year once we’re allowed to go away. I might head down to Dartmoor.”

And, should foreign travel be allowed in 2021, Sera has already planned a 3500-mile tour, taking in France, Italy, the Black Forest in Germany and Holland.