MCN’s Circuit Guide

By MCN Staff
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The ultimate guide to Britain’s racetracks is back – with exact details on getting around every corner on every major circuit in the country.

The MCN Circuit Guide has more than 500 information-packed pages and is ideal fodder for track day addicts, race fans or even racers themselves.

Every racing line on every corner of 34 tracks around the country is explained in detail, along with how to approach, where to brake, turn in and power out.

All the information is gleaned from professional racers who have spent most of their careers searching for the perfect lines that will shave a few hundredths of a second off their lap times.

You could spend a whole year testing to get the information for yourself – or you could get it all for £29.99. Call 01733-840111 to get your copy.

Even the Isle of Man’s famous 37.73-mile TT circuit gets the full breakdown. That takes up 60 pages on its own and is invaluable for anyone looking to head across the Irish Sea to watch or compete in the event.

Southern Ireland’s Mondello Park, a new entry to the British Superbike calendar for 2003, is explained in the usual fine detail, just like the long-established circuits.

As well as guidance on the right way to whittle down your lap times, there’s a glut of valuable information to make your race weekend or track day a much easier experience.

There are maps giving you the best way to reach every circuit and listings of accommodation in the area to take the hassle out of arranging a trip to a circuit.

If you are getting out there and riding, there’s also a comprehensive section on setting up your bike, staying safe, sorting out a licence if you want to go racing and specialist tips to help you get the most from your track day.


You can order by phone on 01733-840111 or send a cheque, made payable to MCN, to MCN Circuit Guide, PO Box 136, Peterborough PE7 2FE. Post and packing costs extra and is £5 for normal first class, £8 for overnight delivery, £7 for deliveries to Europe and £14 for the rest of the world.

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MCN Staff

By MCN Staff