Last day to save our trails

By MCN Staff
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As part of our Back Off Biking campaign, we’ve joined forces with the British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF) to fight proposals by the Government to ban bikers from 6000 miles of the UK’s green lanes.
The threat to one of the fastest growing areas of biking comes from a government consultation paper, ?Use of mechanically propelled vehicles on Rights of Way?, issued by Rural Affairs Minister Alun Michael.
The ancient rights of way that trail riders legally ride on at present were originally established to stop vehicles being used illegally in open countryside and on footpaths and bridleways and give them an alternative place to go. But the trails will become off-limits if this ill-informed proposal does become law.
The March 19 deadline for responses to the consultation paper is only a day away, so we all need to act fast to stop groups like the Ramblers Association getting their own way.
The best way to voice your objections to these proposals is to put pen to paper and lobby as many of the parties involved in the controversial plans as possible.
The BMF has produced a ?lobby action pack?, which gives you a set of prepared letters to help you make clear your arguments against the proposals.
And your objections to the plans shouldn?t just fall at the door of Alun Michael himself. In the pack there are also specific letters to your own MP and your local newspaper to stir up interest in the campaign to save trail riding from the axe.
Take a few minutes to read the historical background about how we?ve ended up riding the trails we do, and why thousands of bikers have been converted to trail riding. Then download the letters and get writing.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff