Blog: Toseland, Sun AM

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It’s my final day in the Ten Kate WSB garage and the mood has certainly lifted with the weather.

The track is dry and although we’re all freezing in the shade of the garage, out on track it’s looking good.

The morning warmup was split in two as the session was red flagged. James Toseland finished the first crash strewn part with the fastest time with team-mate Karl Muggeridge in second. Things are definitely looking up after yesterday’s wet struggle.

The second part saw slightly fewer casualties but James slipped to sixth. In the debrief a few changes were talked about for the first race but the discussion centred around how much they should risk.

The bike is good enough to race at the moment but could be improved, but without any more practice sessions if the changes take the bike the wrong way James will have to work around them for 28 laps.

The decision is made to make just a few minor adjustments along the path they already know is good. But even though there is nothing major to modify the mechanics are still hard at work with the whole clutch out and changed and the rest of the bike stripped and cleaned.

I’ll check back with more news throughout the day as I follow James and the crew through both races.

MCN Staff

By MCN Staff