Just say thanks

My complaint now seems to be trivial and less important today after the sad death of Robert Dunlop.

I have been a biker for about 35 years and currently ride a BMW K1200lt. On Tuesday and Thursday I went to the practice nights for the best race in the world, the North West 200, as I have done for about the last 50 years.

Circumstances dictated that on Tuesday I had to go in my car and not on the bike.

How sad I was to see that when heading home, in a fairly long queue of traffic, that when I saw a bike coming up behind me I would move over to the left to allow them room to overtake.

Very few took the trouble to acknowledge my consideration or give a quick wave of thanks.

I will always thank a considerate driver/rider when I am in my car or on my bike. It creates a good impression and portrays bikers as thoughtful people instead of the mindless idiots that some narrow minded people perceive us to be.

Come on guys and girls just a simple thumbs up will do, if not it may end up with drivers not moving over to give that little bit of extra room and we will only have ourselves to blame.

Jim Annette

Reader's article

By Jim Annette