You only have yourself to blame

By baldy28

With all the arguments being made about the cost of GP racing and racing being a boring spectacle I put the blame firmly in the factory’s hands for this.

There is no way factories should be charging race teams ie 250 teams £800,000 to lease a race bike.

Their biggest mistakes is pricing out the private race teams. 250cc & 125cc racing is some of the best you would see at a GP but because of the greed of the factories this I think is going to be the end of real exciting racing as we know it.

What the factories should do is start making production race bikes again with a maximum cost of say £40,000 for two GP spec bikes with a seasons spares kit and stipulate no electronics ie anti wheel spin etc so then private teams to get back into real racing.

By killing off the 250cc class and probably all future the writing’s on the the wall for the GP circus in the future.

What we need is a break-away championship like the old European championship’s!!! The factorys have all been warned!!!


Reader's article

By baldy28