Jonathan Rea – WSB countdown diary – Day 3

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On day three of Jonathan Rea’s WSB countdown diary the young Brit has been talking tactics with his team ahead of this weekends test at Phillip Island.

He’s also found time to relax, have another BBQ and got some diving lessons from Ron Haslam.

“I got up at about 7.30am and decided to head into Cowes to do a bit of a shop as we’re staying in an apartment. I got the supplies in and even found proper Tetley tea bags out here which means we can have a proper English brew while we’re here.

“I headed down to the beach, had a swim and played some football before meeting up with the Haslam’s for lunch.

“I got to hear some great stories from Ron. He was talking about riding the oval piston NR750.

“He was also talking about riding the Norton and how he had to slip the clutch into every corner to stop the thing chattering – it was awesome.

“After lunch it was competition time and we headed to the peer to dare each other to jump in. I kicked off proceedings by doing a back flip off the edge, but landed on my arse.

“Leon did the same and then Ron did this amazing backward somersault into a perfect dive and completely showed us both up. Ron is the craziest 52 year old I’ve ever met.

“I’ve been watching the latest Travis Pastrana DVD and Ron wouldn’t be out of place if he was in it!

“For dinner I went to the house where the team are staying and we had another BBQ.

“I ended up having an unscheduled meeting with my crew, we did a lot of talking, a lot of planning and we’ve got a clear direction for the test. It’s fair to say that our motivation is really high right now.”